The Brilliant Reason He Lays Ziploc Bags of Cement in His Backyard
The Brilliant Reason He Lays Ziploc Bags of Cement in His Backyard
Watch this video to learn the BRILLIANT reason why Hometalker Mitch lays Ziploc bags of cement in his backyard. Can you guess?
In this video, Hometalkers share two brilliant DIY garden projects that will completely transform your garden in time for the summer months.
Learn how to create a gorgeous cobblestone path using Ziploc bags and then check out an impressive idea for creating your own decorative paving stones. Your garden will never have looked so good!
Which of these DIY garden projects is your favorite? Let us know in the comments down below.
0:00 1. Cobblestone path
_Tools and materials: Ziploc bags, concrete mix, trowel, knife, glow-in-the-dark rocks, sand_
3:44 2. Decorative paving stones
_Tools and materials: Fusion mineral paint, paint brush, harlequin stencil, paper towel, paving stones, floral stencil_
Get our daily DIY email for endless creative ideas:
*Material List:*
– Ziploc Brand Slider Storage Quart Bags →
– Quikrete Concrete Mix →
– Heavy Duty Gardening Hand Tool →
– Diy Decorative Harlequin Stencil Template →
– Craftreat Flourish Stencil for Painting →
– Tommy Art Chalk-Based Mineral Paint →
*Hometalk | DIY ideas you can do.*
#hometalk #diy #gardenprojects #gardendiy
Thanks a lot that’s my next job. Thank you again.
You my man are awesome!!! Reminds me of watching Bob Ross the painter. So relaxing
This won’t be good if u want secure footing. Older people will fall easily since it’s uneven in areas.
This is such a good idea
Looks like a school arts and craft project. Not very impressive
Love it
Certified fork lift driver here… get a forklift and don’t have to worry about carrying a bag of concrete.
Looks like sh8t tbh.
This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen on YouTube. And that’s saying something.
That s a great idea. I say one similar that makes smooth cement rocks that look more like big river rocks. So not for path but could be alongside path, around tree. Garden border and whatever u like. She simply grabbed piece of plastic wrap. Throws in a garden shovel of mixed cement and keeps going. End product was surprisingly
Could this be used for a small driveway?
Happy little coblestones!!!
If the ancients knew about this they’d have a field day man.
You can burn
the plastic off in a few days. Safety first 
Ingenious. Great video and idea!
Hey why does the dude that’s talking about using the Fusion paint sound like otho from Beetlejuice
White pEOPLE are just SO CREATIVE
This guy watched a lot of Bob Ross when he was little.
This should be illegal
Please don’t
wtf… 5min craft vibes
Osmanlı İmparatorluğundan yani türkiyeden selamlar
What a gigantic waste of plastic…
Thanks for posting. Appreciate it
This narrator reminds me of bob ross
im just gonna put the these rocks down u can put one 2 as many as u like!!
That looked terrible
Absolutely fantastic idea

This look really uneven and likely to roll an ankle on
Sooo what do you do for removing the plastic?
That guy sounds so gay. Of course we know when the gays talk like that it so fake
Ah man, too much plastic in the environment… Could use wood to cast concrete bricks and have same effect ..
The Bob Ross of cobblestones, was expecting him to talk about happy trees! Some good Advice in these comments, roll on Summer.
The Bob Ross of concrete!

My back thanks you!

Whats with your voice though?
The guy at the end sounds like he loves men.
Since making of this video, additional 10 millions of ziplock bags went to the landfills worldwide.
Love this.idea!!!
I think you’ve figured out how the Mayans built their walls.
Saw a guy do this, he burnt the plastic off with a burner, it just vanished. Same nice outcome!
i use the cheap ziplock bags as freezer bags?i put the the cheap plastic grocery bags over the cheap ziplock bags
i put a note one the bag and knot the bag
the regular freezer bags are double the price
of the regular bags
i freeze my leftover crock pot food in a freezer bag
and do the same thing with a note on the bags with
the date
the the cheap plastic grocery bags to cover my
leftover plate of food and knot the bag at the end of
the bag.
the cheap plastic grocery bags to cover my cut watermelon
or cantaloupe
the cheap plastic grocery bags for a broken candy Ziplock bags
bags double bag knotted end of bag
art is art I mean food is food but but if I want that super deapr expensive unique car this is another story and good was a poor man
It looks like plastic bags of cement
Love this!! I am not sure I can do such a project but I’d love to try!
Too much work for a larger area.
That’s terrible
You must’ve spent a fortune on Ziplock bags.