Park Sessions Woodward at Tahoe – TransWorld SNOWboarding
Park Sessions Woodward at Tahoe – TransWorld SNOWboarding
Our Donner party turned out way better!
Take a look at the Woodward Tahoe setup and one word is immediately burned into your head: flow. You can see it in the way jibs are laid out—it’s not just a bunch of rails in a row, they’re spread around so you can pinball back and forth, here and there down the run. Land one, react and pick your line that way. Flow. People throw “it’s like a concrete skatepark” around a lot but it’s definitely the case here. It’s not just Lane Knaack or Eric Rosenwald or any one person either, but this communal team effort that everyone involved is down for, and this ethos actually goes for all of the Woodward Terrain Parks across the country…
This is an excerpt from an article that originally appeared in the January issue of TransWorld SNOWboarding. If you’re down and want to read the whole thing, subscribe to the mag:
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I need to stop watching this video in confinement…
And in france…
I spend all winter snowboarding, and all summer wishing I could be snowboarding
"Small little resort" is about 10x the size of mine
This is what I am doing. March 21, 2017 Tuesday Breakfast, Lunch, +Dinner. age52 !!!.
The snowboarding is terrific, but what’s even cooler is the camaraderie. Riding with this crew would be the sickest thing ever.
can Marcus Kleveland backflip onto a rail then tail grid while riding goofy?
Anyone else binge watching snowboarding videos before a snowboarding trip?
I love this place
I need to stop watching snowboarding videos in june…..
All that steel making it’s way up onto the mountains <3
New Zealand exists
You edited this in premiere right?
“Small little resort”
Love the channel guys – we love boarding so much!
What song is in this ?
If you like, please visit my channel.
This us vevry nice
i know there pro and all but i would wear a helmet btw who else lives in orgeon
These ppl are good a snowboarding but they are idiots doing all this without helmets
my video
What is the name of song ?
0:40 Looks easy but with that hang time I’d faceplant. Smooth.
I love boreal, I go there almost every night
fuck man. last time i was at boreal was in 2012. this makes me wanna drive up to tahoe again so bad.
Worked great on about 6"-8" of average snow starts to struggle a bit past 8". Very light weight and the chute spin control works well. For the low price you get a ton of value. My only complaint is managing the cord as it does take a fair bit of effort to watch and pull the cord out of the way. I found myself having to whip the cord out of the way a lot when I needed to make one way passes to mange the blow direction. It’s less of an issue when you can work both directions. A battery powered version would be a lot easier to handle but that is also double the price and requires battery care. I chose the corded version so I didn’t have to worry about batteries but I do now see how much work the cord is. I let my neighbor borrow it and it outperformed his smaller gas blower, he was totally sold. Very pleased with the power and operations.My only suggestion is to spend a bit more on a cordless version if you have budget for it. The cord is a bit more of a headache than I thought it would be. Very pleased with the Snow Joe brand and quality.
These guy’s are pretty good. I could never snowboard like that!
Do these guys fail
these features look mega fun holy shit
i remember seeing this dude when i was 14, id go here for like 12 hours a day
With a Name like Berg the Temps always Drop.
Song is Waves (golden) – Leopold and His Fiction
Woo, Yeaaaa hh

note to myself = don´t try snowboarding or skiing if you´re fucking drunk or stoned =) i hit my testicles so hard i couldn´t breathe anymore =) @ ITALY ( im sorry my english is not good )
Yo is he wearing skinny jeans??
You guys should reaaaaaly wear helmets if you fall on a rail and hit your head hard or a ramp or really anything it’s gonna be badddddd
Screw you guys I’m going surfing!
I miss snowboarding
After living on the warpig since the day it was released I thought this release was going to be everything the warpig needed for a bigger mountain board.๏๏๏>はc Little stiffer, set back, more length / width options, could it be! NOPE. I really don’t understand on how the width got taken away on boards that are obliviously built for bigger riders in the l Read more about review stating Dream board? Almost…..arger sizes. And the wide’s are under 270! What is this 2005? C’mon 270 is the new 260 definitely in a wide. Me and 2 other friends were amping to grab these and ended up just getting the xl pigs instead. I would love a beefed up warpig or a WIDER Mtnpig but until that day all I can do is dream
Backwards is alright too.
in your opinion, which type of camber is better for park?
February snowboarding in a t-shirt?! Cant do that in Colorado until April
I hate boreals jumps and too many retards fuckin up all the lips to the features
*small little resort*
midwest people:
very nice way to enjoy life

Never gets old